NIST- SRM 2669 Arsenic Species in Frozen Human Urine

NIST- SRM 2669  Arsenic Species in Frozen Human Urine


NIST- SRM 2669  Arsenic Species in Frozen Human Urine

产品规格         Unit of Issue: 10 vials x 1.5 mL

产品有效期     Product Expiration Date: 31 December 2023

产品证书修订历史         Revision History:19 January 2016 (Editorial changes).

产品储存温度         NIST Storage Temperature: Freezer (-80 o C)Please see certificate for user storage information regarding this material.

安全信息         Safety Information

产品类别         Table(s) of Related Materials 105.02 105.04

产品运输条件         Hazard Class: This material is not considered hazardous to ship.

产品危险品类别     Perishable Types: This material is perishable and ships on dry ice. Dry ice is considered hazardous under DOT, Hazard class 9.0 Miscellaneous Dangerous Goods.


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