


Product description Von Willebrand Factor Concentrate (WHO 3rd International Standard) 血管性血友病因子国际标准物质
Product number 18/248 WHO18/248
Category Biotherapeutics HaemostasisBiotherapeutics
Keywords Von Willebrand Disease, Von Willebrands Disease, bleeding, Von Willebrand Factor, VWF, Clotting, Coagulation Factor, Clotting Factor, Coagulation, VWF, Antigen, Ristocetin Cofactor, Collagen binding, Therapeutic
Type of standard International Standard
Customer notes For potency estimation of therapeutics concentrates of Von Willebrand factor. Assigned values for VWF: antigen, VWF:ristocetin cofactor, VWF:collagen binding, VWF:GPIbR and VWF:GPIbM


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