


Product description Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) (6th International Standard) 人绒毛膜促性腺激素国际标准品hCG
Product number 18/244 NIBSC18/244
Category Biotherapeutics Protein Hormones and Endocrine Products
Keywords hCG, HCG, Human Chorionic gondaotrophin
Type of standard International Standard
Customer notes NA

世界卫生组织人类绒毛膜促性腺激素(hCG)国际标准旨在用于hCG生物测定和免疫测定的校准。该制剂编码18/244,含有高度纯化的完整hCG,并在一项合作研究中安瓿装并评估其作为世界卫生组织国际标准的适用性。它是世界卫生组织生物标准化专家委员会在2020年10月的第71次会议上制定的第6个国际标准。它取代了第5个hCG国际标准,编码07/364。该制剂含有人类来源的材料,其最终产物或来源材料经过测试,发现HBsAg、抗HIV和HCV RNA呈阴性。与所有生物来源的材料一样,这种制剂应被视为对健康有潜在危害。应根据您自己实验室的安全程序使用和丢弃它。此类安全程序应包括佩戴防护手套和避免产生气溶胶。打开安瓿或小瓶时应小心,以避免割伤。

The WHO International Standard for human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) is intended for use in the calibration of bioassays and immunoassays for hCG. This preparation, coded 18/244, contains highly purified intact hCG, and was ampouled and evaluated for its suitability to serve as a WHO International Standard in a collaborative study. It was established as the 6th International Standard by the Expert Committee on Biological Standardization of the WHO at its 71st meeting in October 2020.It replaces the 5th International Standard for hCG, coded 07/364.

 The preparation contains material of human origin, and either the final product or the source materials, from which it is derived, have been tested and found negative for HBsAg, anti-HIV and HCV RNA. As with all materials of biological origin, this preparation should be regarded as potentially hazardous to health. It should be used and discarded according to your own laboratory’s safety procedures. Such safety procedures should include the wearing of protective gloves and avoiding the generation of aerosols. Care should be exercised in opening ampoules or vials, to avoid cuts.