


This Low Mutant Virus Reference (LMVR) is intended to be used as a control to determine whether an individual determination is valid in the MAPREC assay. The % 480-A and 525-C content of the candidate reference materials were chosen such that the biological variation inherent in the MAPREC method would lead to an invalid result in only about 1 in 100 determinations.

该低突变病毒参考(LMVR)旨在用作对照,以确定MAPREC测定中的个体测定是否有效。选择候选参考材料的%480-A和525-C含量,以使MAPREC方法中固有的生物变异仅在约1/100次测定中导致无效结果。 00/416

The material is of bovine origin. The material is certified to be obtained from animals taken from a closed herd in the female line since 1980, in which no animal has been clinically suspected of having BSE & which has not been fed rations containing ruminant derived protein during that period.

 As with all materials of biological origin, this preparation should be regarded as potentially hazardous to health. It should be used and discarded according to your own laboratory’s safety procedures. Such safety procedures should include the wearing of protective gloves and avoiding the generation of aerosols. Care should be exercised in opening ampoules or vials, to avoid cuts.

与所有生物来源的材料一样,这种制剂应被视为对健康有潜在危害。应根据您自己实验室的安全程序使用和丢弃。此类安全程序应包括佩戴防护手套和避免产生气溶胶。打开安瓿或小瓶时应小心,以避免割伤。 低突变1型脊髓灰质炎病毒参考品


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